Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Model Kitchen Must Haves

So my previous post I told you where to shop...but now its all about what to shop for...

Besides the obvious- Fresh, Raw, Ripe, Organic Produce that ideally would come freshly picked from your backyard garden and not shipped all the way from mexico to nyc for example.   Since that is next to impossible for us city dwellers here is a list of fresh items and speciality raw vegan food items I could not live without...

As far as fruits and vegetables go, I tend to limit and/or avoid the hybrids (meaning these foods are unnaturally high in sugar and devoid of minerals and also have a higher likelihood of insect/fungus infestations) such as bananas, cashews, dates, carrots, beets, corn, potatoes, oatmeal, wheat, rice, yams, etc.   Instead I stock my fridge up with fresh kale, dandelion greens, cilantro, parsley, collards, swiss chard, rainbow chard, spinach, bok choy, celery, cucumber, bell pepper, tomatoes, scallions, broccoli, cauliflower, apple, lemon, lime, grapefruit, fennel, burdock root, sunflower sprouts, etc.    If you head to the farmers market then definitely add some sorrel, spinach, rainbow radish, sprouts, heirloom tomatoes and whatever wild greens you can find.

Nut Butters:  Most of the so called "raw" nut butters are not even raw.  They are made from roasted nuts and seeds (which turn rancid as a result of the high heat processing btw).   So definitely avoid any generic or store bought nut/seed butter.  Especially, Peanut butter  (peanuts are not only highly allergenic but have a toxic oil attached to the nut called aflaxotoxin that is not only a breeding ground for fungus but also requires the nut to be high heat processed to separate from the oil.   Instead, look for high quality organic and raw nut butter lines that soak, sprout, and stone-grind rather than blend their unsprouted non organic nuts/seeds on high heat blenders.

My top picks: Jem brand raw almond butters, Rawtella Hazelnut spreads, Artisana's coconut butter, Living Tree raw tahini (do not even think about purchasing any other brand!!!), Divine Organics raw pili nut butter.

Nuts and Seeds:  Same rule applies to most nuts and seeds you see in the grocery store.   Almonds for example by law the US requires to be pasteurized- even the raw ones.  So look for raw almonds from Sicily instead or get directly through organic almond farmer that does not pasteurize the nut.   Cashews unless hand cracked (which is a rarity b/c of the costly nature) are all high heat processed like peanuts to get rid of the aflaxotoxin oil they are grown in naturally.   They too are hybrids and should be ideally consumed minimally for optimum health.  I prefer fresh macadamia nuts instead.    Also beware of issues of rancidity if the store you're purchasing from doesn't refrigerate the nuts or seeds.  Walnuts, pine nuts, and mac nuts are more often than not already rancid.  Your best bet if to buy those from a store the keeps them refrigerated or buy direct from the farmer.

My top picks: vivapura's styrian pumpkin seeds/almonds/pecans/etc, nutiva hemp seeds, fresh Hawaiian raw macadamia nuts direct from farmer, chia seeds, raw sunflower seeds, and my new favorite nut- tigernuts.

Oils: First make sure to buy organic, fresh cold pressed oils in dark amber glass bottles rather than clear glass that will allow light and heat to further penetrate the bottle and cause rancidity.  With the exception of raw coconut oil do not cook on high heat with any other oil!!!! Not only do they become carcinogenic when high heated, their healthful properties are destroyed.   And if you're trying to lose and improve your health- nix the canola, sunflower, soy, corn, and hydrogenated anything.  The best oils are raw, organic, and cold pressed- Coconut, Olive, Macadamia, Flax, Hemp,  and Sacha Inca Nut (the only nut to have a healthy balance of omega 3/6/9).

My top picks: Andre's Oils- All of them are excellent but if you had to buy just one get his Flax Oil which is in amber glass bottles and is not rancid unlike most other organic flax oils.    For Olive Oil my favorite brand is Raw Living Tree Olive Oil.   Both brands are pricey but the taste is well worth it! P.S. Beware of most olive oils purchased in your supermarket! http://cdn.eatlocalgrown.com/10-fake-olive-oil.html

Gluten Free Grains: Quinoa, Buckwheat, Amaranth, Millet, Teff.  These seeds are excellent alternative to their unhealthy gluten containing grain, GMO, counterparts.   Ideally soak them overnight to get rid of the phytic acid that makes them hard to digest otherwise.   Too boost nutrition further, after soaking sprout (quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth) them for 1-2 days til you see a tail grow and then either dehydrate sprouted grains to use as cereal or flour for future recipes.

Seasonings to have on hand: Be sure to have all organic/non-gmo of course.  Basil, onion powder, turmeric, paprika, cinnamon, garlic, italian seasoning, sea salt, kelp, cayenne pepper, star anise, parsley, dill, curry, oregano, marjoram, etc.

Herbs: Holy Basil, Shilijat, or other adaptogenic herbs that help you combat stress and fatigue.  Add them to smoothies or teas. 

Coconut Secret's Coconut Aminos- the best and healthiest alternative to traditional gluten and msg laden soy sauce.

Nutritional Yeast- great for adding a cheesy flavor to raw foods.  But use in moderation if you struggle with candida.

Raw Carob Powder- a non- caffeine answer to chocolate.  It takes some getting used to so start with less and add more if you need it.

Raw Arriba Cacao nibs and Powder-  This is the only raw chocolate thats not heat processed in any way and therefore nutrients more in tact.  Ojio is a good brand to purchase from that not only sources organic but sustainable. 

Raw Apple Cider vinegar and/or Coconut Vinegar- the healthiest kind of vinegar to season dishes with.

Camu Camu berry powder- The best food source of Vitamin C there is!  Look for a brand that does not include unnecessary cheap fillers like maltodextrin in their powders.  My top Pick: Organic Traditions brand Camu Camu berry Powder.

Spirulina crunchies- A great source of chlorophyll, protein, and B12.   I prefer the crunchies to the powder to add to my smoothies or salads.   My Top Pick:  Either Vivapura line or Green Tara.

Goji Berries- An awesome snack that is not only high in beta-carotene, protein, antioxidants, B vitamins, etc.  It also is a great way to help strengthen the immune system and liver.    While they are becoming readily available and the primary source comes from China.  Be wary of most brands on the market.  Often they are far to crunchy and seem to taste of remnants of pesticides and sprays.   My top Pick: The best brand I have found that a health friend recommended to me is Ron Teeguarden's Dragon Herbs Goji Berries.  They are still moist and soft even when dried and delicious!

Maca Powder-  Awesome energy and protein source, adaptogen, full of minerals,  and also is known to help boost libido in both men and woman. Look for a brand that is gelatinized for optimum digestion and absorption.

Vegan Protein Powder- A great way to boost nutrition instantly to give you fuel for your upcoming workout or start your day.  I advise you to stay away from whey, rice, and soy protein powders however.   All tend to be problematic. Rice Protein has been found to contain toxic levels of heavy metal.* Additionally a good amount of rice is genetically modified nowadays.  Soy is also genetically engineered and creates hormone havoc! Whey protein comes from dairy and therefore highly allergenic for most.  I recommend obtaining a protein brand from a reputable organic company like Vega Foods (whose rice protein wasn't found to contain heavy metals), Essential living foods Organic smoothie mixes, Aloha Brand protein powder. 

raw bee pollen-   A great source of protein, not to mention great to combat allergies.  I like to eat a few tablespoons with a tablespoon of flax oil before I work out.   My top Pick: The best bee pollen by far in my opinion is Vivapura's which is harvested only twice a year in Australia and tastes like candy!  But it is expensive and sells out quickly.  My second best recommendation would be Live Live's Bee Pollen.

Fresh organic coconut meat and water-  A staple in my kitchen.   The only truly raw organic brand of coconut meat and water is the Exotic Superfoods line which you will find in the freezer section of your health food store.  All the other lines of coconut water are heat processed in some way to extend shelf life therefore destroying the nutrients.  The next two best unpasturized coconut waters would be Copra and Harmless Harvest that use HPP (somewhat controversial High Pressure Processing).

Irish Moss- A type of seaweed with similar properties to carageenan without the stomach upset.  It not only is a nutrition power house and help keep a healthy thyroid.   It's great for making raw vegan cakes, breads, desserts, mock tofu because of its congealing properties and ability to thicken liquids.   As a result you can reduce your nut load and instead use irish moss in your recipes.

Raw Stevia powder and/or liquid.   The only whole food sweetener that does not feed candida.  I prefer the the Stevia Botanica line to other lines that have hidden preservatives and/or nasty additives like glycerin.  Better yet grow your own plant of stevia.  A little goes a long way b/c 1/4 tsp stevia = the sweetness of cup of sugar.

Raw Coconut Sugar: Coconut sugar has become the new healthfood craze since its abundant in minerals and tastes sweet.  But in my opinion most of the dried coconut sugar out there is plain disgusting.  However, one raw organic food line created a coconut sugar still in crystallized form and its absolutely delicious!  My Top Pick: Divine Organics Raw Thai Organic Coconut Sugar: http://divineorganics.com/divine-products/coconut/

Vanilla Powder: Excellent for adding robust flavor to smoothies and desserts.  My top pick: Ojio wild crafted ground vanilla powder.

Sea Salt: Excellent source of trace minerals and great flavor enhancer in moderation.  Its a misconception to avoid salt.  Iodine deficiency has become prevalent in our country! Is the iodized form or salt you want to avoid.   My top Pick: Premier Research labs Sea Salt blend.

Sea Vegetables: A great source of nutrients and iodine.  Kelp noodles are great no calorie answer to pasta while feeding the thyroid.   Dulse, Nori, Wakame, Hijiki are also great choices for salads, raw sushi, and soups.

Kelp Noodles: With virtually zero calories and no prep besides rinsing these are a no brainer! Add them to raw or cooked soups, create yummy pesto or other nut based sauces and marinate the noodles in them before eating.  Kelp is a much have nutrient to feed the thyroid.

Mung Bean/Black Bean Pasta:  Although this is a cooked food item its a great alternative to the traditional pastas that have little or no nutrition and comprised of wheat and/or other genetically modified ingredients.  The Mung Bean and Black Bean pastas not only have no other ingredients besides water, they're higher in protein, easy to prepare, and taste just like your old favorites.  Be sure to look for the organic version of each of these.

One Last note, Besides Food a great kitchen also needs the right Tools:  High powered Blender (Vitamix & Blendtec are best), Quality knives (Ceramic or Cutco best), Cutting Boards, Food Processor, Dehydrator, Mixing bowls, and a great attitude to name a few must haves.

Bon Appetit! 

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