To add insult to injury the government actually doesn't require organic or natural skincare/haircare/makeup lines to list all chemicals they add to their products if it makes up less than 5% of the total ingredient list even with the organic seal. Just as long as they are not comprised of fragrances or petrochemicals. However, to complicate things further the trade secret law outsmarts that if the creator of the product thinks it would reveal their secret formula. The skincare lines I recommend in my previous blog you can be assured to the best of my knowledge and research do not cover up or have any hidden ingredients. In effort to help you understand the risk factors and dangers of traditional products ingredients, below I am highlighting the top ingredients you need to watch out for. Now onto the TOXIC INGREDIENTS...and this by no means is an extensive list so bear that in mind when reading.
1. SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE (SLS)/SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE (SLES)/AMMONIUM LAURYL SULFATE(ALS)- The most commonly used names for this chemical that is in nearly every conventional shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face product in order to make your products lather. According to the Environmental Working Group Cosmetic Safety Database and PubMed's Science Reports there is over 16, 000 studies that have shown the dangers to using this chemical including:
- Irritation of the skin and eyes
- Organ toxicity
- Developmental/reproductive toxicity
- Neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, ecotoxicology, and biochemical or cellular changes
- Possible mutations and cancer
Furthermore, SLS, SLES, and ALS are often contaminated with three known carcinogenic chemicals: Ethylene oxide, 1,4 dioxane, and Nitrosamines. In other words, cancer causing ingredients! Its no wonder, cancer is becoming so widespread when we are using products every day. Be sure to watch out for other names for this chemical like: Sodium dodecyl sulfate, A13-00356,Sulfuric acid, monododecyl ester, sodium salt, Akyposal SDS,Sodium salt sulfuric acid, Aquarex ME, Monododecyl ester sodium salt sulfuric acid,Aquarex methyl.
2. PRESERVATIVES AND FORMALDEHYDE- Including METHYL, BUTYL, ETHYL, PROPYL Parabens have been shown to not only be irritating to the skin but have also been linked to the development of breast cancer (Journal of Applied toxicology Jan/Feb 2004). Also, steer clear of GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) as its contaminated with one of these ingredients as I explained in my previous blog entry. Furthermore the following preservatives release small amounts of a probable carcinogen Formaldehyde according to the EPA including: diazolidinyl urea, DMDM hydantion, imidazolidinyl urea, quaternium 15, bronopol (2-brono-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol). According to The Green Guide and Natural Healthy Concepts, exposure to the Formaldehyde over long periods of time can result in:
- asthma attacks,
- involuntary sweating,
- breathing difficulty,
- nausea
- headaches
- insomnia
- ear infections
- chronic fatigue
- cancer
- chest pains
- allergies
*Safer preservatives are rosemary extract, Gold, ascorbic acid (if from non gmo source), and pycnogenol to name a few. *
3. GLYCOLS (propylene glycol, glycerin, ethylene glycol, carbitol, diethylene glycol, EGPE, EGME, EGEE, DEGBE, PGME, DPGME, or Methyl-): Commonly used as a humectant in moisturizers despite the FDA warning the dangers of using this ingredient in concentrations greater than 5% even on small parts of the body.
- According to the Green Guide, "some glycols can affect the reproductive system or cause birth defects and overexposure can result in kidney damage and liver abnormalities."
4. FRAGRANCES/PHYTHALATES: (Methylene Chloride, toluene, Methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl alcohol, and benzyl chloride) So be weary if you see "natural fragrance" or something similiar at the end of the ingredient list because thats usually a cover up for some nasty chemical. *The best natural alternative to fragrances are to use pure unadulterated Essential Oils such as Young Living Oils. *
- According to The Green Guide, "Phythalates are responsible for causing liver cancer and birth defects to the animals that have been tested for its dangers. Pthalates can penetrate deep into the skin, making the internal body parts susceptible to its dangers."
- Not only that, because of the government's trade secret law, companies are actually not required to list fragrances on the ingredient list. Therefore, just because a product states that its fragrance-free does not in fact actually mean it is fragrance free because of the trade secret law.
5. LEAD/MERCURY: Everyone should know by now the dangers of heavy metals on the body but very few people are probably aware just where they could be getting exposed to these things and what the side affects are.
- According to The Green Guide, "Lead is known as the brain and hormone toxin as it alters natural hormone processes, causing disruptions to the body’s natural flow...Mercury is known for its drastic effects to ones nervous system when a person is exposed to it for a long time." Both are commonly found in various cosmetic lines particularly lines that are created to be longer lasting for the wearer. If you get chapped or swollen lips after using a lipstick its likely you're allergic to it and it has lead present in it.
7. SUNSCREENS: As cited in The Green Guide, "Benzophenone, benzophenone-3, homosalate, Octy-methoxycinnamate have shown estrogenic activity in lab tests. While Padimate-O and Parsol 1789 are chemicals that have the potential to damage DNA when illuminated with sunlight. On the skin's surface, the chemicals do protect from UV damage, but once absorbed, these chemicals can prove destructive." A safer alternative is to use a sunscreen with non nano particle sized Titanium Dioxide or Zinc Oxide which only rest on the surface of the skin and don't penetrate deep inside like traditional sunscreens. *
8. ARTIFICIAL COLORS: According to The Green Guide, "FD&C Blue 1 and FD&C Green 3 are carcinogenic, and D&C Red 33, FD&C Yellow 5, and FC&C Yellow 6 have been shown to cause cancer when applied to the skin. Some artificial coal-tar colors contain heavy metal impurities, including arsenic & lead, which are carcinogenic." And Mind Body Green also states "Absorption can cause depletion of oxygen and even death."
9. DIOXIN: Although you won't commonly see this ingredient listed on skincare labels since its often contained in other toxic ingredients such as SLS, triclosan, emulsifiers, sanitary napkins, etc. Another reason to steer clear of those other ingredients. Dioxin has shown to cause cancer, birth deformaties, miscarriages, nervous system disorders, and reduced immunity.
10. BENZOYL PEROXIDE: Commonly seen in anti- Acne products. A possible tumor promoter. A known skin, eye, and respiratory irritant. Produces DNA damage and may act as a mutagen.
11.DEA (Diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine), & TEA (Triethanolamine): Commonly found in most shampoos, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. A skin/eye irritant that has been known to cause contact dermatitis. Since its easily absorbed through the skin its resulted in various organ cancers.
This is by no means a comprehensive list but it is a starting point for you. I also encourage you to use sites like Environmental Working Group ( or that has taken the time to assess unbiased thousands of skincare products and create a rating based on the toxicity of each so you can see for yourself the potential dangers of such products. Download their app so you can check out the safety of your favorite products before you buy them. According to EWG, 89% of 10,500 ingredients used in personal care products have not been evaluated for safety by the FDA. So keep that in mind if an ingredient doesn't show up on the database because it doesn't mean its necessarily any safer. Rather it just means there isn't enough studies on that particular ingredient to know for certain the toxicities and long term cumulative affects of using that ingredient.
One thing you should always ask yourself when it comes to label reading of skincare is: Could you eat the all of the ingredients without getting seriously ill? If the answer is no, then its best to stay away from such products because even though you may think your just applying these products topically, the fact of the matter is they're still being absorbed into your skin and eventually hitting the bloodstream. Why add to your toxic load just in the name of vanity when you could still maintain beatiful skin, hair, and nails without resorting to such products. If you can't live without a few at least reduce your toxic load. Start by aiming to replace the stuff you use everyday (face wash, shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, etc) with safe, organic (look for USDA certified Organic seal), and chemical free alternatives such as the products I mentioned on my previous blog entry.
The Green Guide Product Report (Moisturizers, Body Lotions, and Hand Creams)
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