1. REUSABLE SHOPPING BAGS - The easiest adjust you can make is to get in the habit of bringing your own reusable bags to do your grocery shopping with. Just about any health food store sells these nowadays. The Chico Bag is one of my favorites because you can just attach it to your purse or handbag to have it handy for impromptu shopping trips.
2. RECYCLE- Do the environment a favor and get yourself a recycling basket for your apartment if you haven't already. I have two- one for paper and one for plastic/glass bottles and containers. Container store has nice compact set for apartments (recycle crunch can). The overflowing landfills will thank you. And don't think recycling is limited to just paper and plastic. In New York City for example, your old clothes/shoes/jewelry can be donated and recycled at various farmers market drop off locations and your donations are tax deductible. Check out http://www.grownyc.org/grownycs-clothing-textile-recycling-collections for more details. The lower east side ecology center (http://www.lesecologycenter.org/index.php/ewaste/warehouse.html) E-Waste drop off events several times a year. Best Buy has donation bins for worn out cell phones, ipods, and batteries. And for those worn out sex toys check out http://www.sextoyrecycling.com/howitworks.html. Just by mailing your old toy back you can earn credit towards a future sex toy purchase.
3. Get a REUSABLE BPA FREE WATER BOTTLE and use it! Not only is most bottled water just tap water in reality bottled up in toxic hormone disrupting plastic but buying bottled water is just plain wasteful. Get in the habit of using a safe reusable and BPA free water bottle such as the Klean Kanteen. Fill it with your own purified alkaline water before heading to work or the gym.
4. COMPOST those food scraps. While there various ways to do your own composting discretly in your apartment or home I must prefer to use a compostable bio bag (www.overstock.com/bio bag) and stuff my food scraps inside and keep it in the freezer til its full. Then I take it down to Lower East City Ecology Center's drop off at the Union Square Farmers Market (www.lesecologycenter.org) so they can then take it and do the composting.
5. Replace your Compact Flurescent light Bulbs or regular light bulbs with LED lights. Did you know that CF bulbs emit high levels of Mercury into the air? Yep. As Mike Adams mentions on natural news, "When broken, the bulbs released roughly 7 micrograms of mercury into the air, 20 times the British government's recommended maximum exposure of 0.35 micrograms. Mercury levels remained elevated at floor levels for up to five hours after breakage. Read the full article here: http://www.naturalnews.com/031276_fluorescent_light_bulbs_mercury.html#ixzz2V7O1WItT and also: http://www.naturalnews.com/021840_lights_LED_electricity.html
6. If your planning to paint your apartment or house. Definitely choose a NON-VOC or low VOC paint such as Benjamin Moore Natura Paint. VOC's otherwise known as volatile organic compounds release carcinegens into the air which are toxic to your health. For more recommendations check out http://www.thedailygreen.com/green-homes/latest/green-remodeling-low-voc-paints-460212#slide-9
7. Feng Shui your space. What is feng shui? This is a simple question that can be difficult to answer. Feng shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure health and good fortune for people inhabiting it. Feng means wind and shui means water. In Chinese culture wind and water are associated with good health, thus good feng shui came to mean good fortune, while bad feng shui means bad luck, or misfortune. I have experienced the benefits of feng shui first hand after hiring a feng shui consultant to exam my apartment and make recommendations for adjustments.
8. Protect yourself from EMF's. Since our technology has only increased in the last several decades between wireless routers, cell phones, ipods, ipads, iphones, dish network cable, etc. Its nearly impossible to avoid EMF's. To at least reduce your load get yourself an emf shield for your home and your electronics especially your cell phone. I like http://www.safeconnectplus.com. Also get in the habit of not putting your cell phone to your ear as frequently and opt for speaker phone instead. Another way to shield EMF's is using grounding technology like Earthing to reducte radiation exposure http://www.groundology.com/us/products.
9. Switch to a natural Memory Foam Mattress made of only 100% organic latex. Essentia (www.myessentia.com) in my opinion is the best company around for Organic Mattress. I bought the Dormeuse last year and love it! You will be blown away by the comfort and purity of this mattress. Not to mention the added benefit of the mattress being impermeable to bed bugs and dust mites. And don't even think about buying that soy based mattress. The largest soybean producer and trader Cargill is not only Genetically Engineered but was voted Corporate America's 2nd worst polluter by Portfolio magazine's Toxic 10. Harsh chemicals are also involved in the soy mattresses production which leave behind a nasty odor that companies attempt to mask with synthetic perfumes. Wool mattresses are also not any better. As it turns out Wool is not fire retardant unless its chemically treated with Boric Acid and the mattress must be cleaned annually . Spring and Coil mattress are a breeding ground for dust mites, mold, and mildew not to mention the toxic glues and chemicals involved in the mattress.
10. Use public transportation or bike to work as much as possible. Less cars=less gas=lower carbon footprint.
11. Shop at your local farmer's Market. Not only is the produce fresher but it didn't have to sit in a truck or airplane for days and days to get to you. You will be amazed at all the unusual greens and vegetables you can find at the farmers market.
12. Try substituting your traditional laundry detergent with soap nuts the most eco friendly option. They can be reused 5+ times and are biodegradable. Also when it comes to dry clean only items- seek out dry cleaners that do wet cleaning and do not use the toxic PERC. The only truly green friendly dry cleaners I know if in NYC is Drop Spot Cleaners on West 76th street. For more information on the dangers of PERC check out: http://www.greenamerica.org/livinggreen/drycleaning.cfm
13. Invest in a good indoor air purifier. Diffusing pure, unadulterated essential oils can also help. Your lungs will thank you. Plants also go a long way in purifying the air of indoor spaces.
14. Reduce your paper load. Scan receipts, favorite articles, and have stores email you receipts to keep for your records, purchase ebooks in place of traditional ones, buy reusable paper towels to clean with. When you must buy paper products opt for one s made from recycled materials.
15. Opt to eat only fresh foods and store leftovers and lunch in glass containers. Food packaging is a major route of exposure for people to two toxic chemicals: BPA and DEHP. The chemicals -- bisphenol A, or BPA, and a phthalate called DEHP -- are known to disrupt hormonal systems in the bodies of both animals and people, leading to developmental and reproductive problems, as well as cancers, heart disease and brain disorders. And both appear in a wide variety of food packaging materials. For more info check out: http://news.discovery.com/human/food-packaging-chemicals-toxins-110329.htm
16. Buy and Bring a biodegrable set of bamboo cutlery instead of plastic forks and spoons when on the go.
17. Use green cleaning products for your home. Traditional chemical cleaning products are not only toxic to your health but when disposed of endanger our water supply and wildlife. I particularly like EcoCover and CitraSolv products and OCA has a great article addressing this: http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_279.cfm
18. Use only 100% beeswax or soy candles. You should be able to find Beeswax candles at your local farmers market or health food store. But to give you perspective on traditional candles The little known dangers of scented candles points out, "Most candles are made from paraffin which is a petroleum based product. To make paraffin wax, petroleum is combined with several additives including chlorine-containing bleach to make the finished product. When a scented candle is lit, the odor permeates throughout the room and black debris collects in the form of soot. This soot is very similar in composition to that of diesel fuel - a mixture of a variety of cancer-causing chemicals including benzene, carbon tetrachloride, toluene, and naphthalene. These petroleum based fumes can quickly fill up a room and pollute the air...there are also concerns about the metal wick of scented candles. Some metal wicks contain lead which creates gaseous lead fumes when the candle is burned. These can readily enter the lungs and cause blood lead levels to rise which is a problem."
19. Get a high grade water filter for your tap water and your shower. Although we are way ahead of third world countries as far as safety of drinking water, the pharmaceutical industry not to mention the pollution in our environments doesn't make for safe drinking water. The cheap Brita filters do little good at filtering out contaminants and heavy metals. Your best bet would be fresh spring water (www.findaspring.com) but busy new yorkers are definitely not going to get that. At the very least, I advise a good filter system like aqusana to filter the chlorine from your shower water. According to a water specialist I met with recently, any filter and/or ionizer won't do with NYC water because of the calcium build up that is unable to get effectively filtered through these machines. He advised getting the Chanson VS-70 which he installed for a handful of health savvy restaurants in town as well as for famed former supermodel Carol Alt.
20. For Women Only: Stop using traditional tampons during your period. The chemicals and synthetic material used in these put you at risk for TSS (toxic shock syndrome). A better option is to use biodegrable Diva Cup (www.divacup.com) or Sea Pearl Sponges (http://www.jadeandpearl.com) in place of traditional tampons during your period. Both have to be changed far less than traditional tampon. Sea Sponges can even be worn during sex as an additional barrier to prevent pregnancy not to mention blood all over the place during intercourse. If you must use tampons- Choose a 100% organic cotton line. For further reading check out Dr. Mercola's article: Dangers of Feminine Products Every Woman Should Know
Hope these tips inspired you to take further charge of your health and well-being. And don't worry about making all the changes overnight. Start little by little. Make a point to add one eco friendly adjustment per week to your routine. Soon you'll be on your way to healthier living!
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